Thursday, 30 April 2015

Webex not loading or getting stuck at 98% using safari or firefox on a mac

As far as I know the following works on mountain lion, mavericks and yosemite - 10.8, 10.9 and 10.10.

First close all your browsers.

go to finder Go > Go to folder  ~/library

in internet plug ins folder delete WebEx64 plug in

in Application Support folder delete the webex folder

go to

enter name and email you should then  get a prompt to install the plugin. It should then start up a test meeting.


  1. not working in mac irrespective.....

  2. works with my win but not mac...tried many hooks and nooks

  3. only other thing I can find related to webex is a plist file called com.webex.meetingmanager.plist found in ~/library/Preferences

  4. 98% stuck means it's hanging on trying to connect to main server on Webex side. Not software related but network connection related.

  5. strange but if you try a 3rd time it works for me.
    1st time - 98%
    2nd time - 98%
    3rd time - bingo your in.

    Was using Chrome browser on Mac.

  6. Thats good to know Peter. I have had similar problems on the mac with Java the install would fail but if it was ran again it would start working!

  7. sometimes the 3 tries works, today i tried 10+ times and eventually it worked.

  8. I had the same problem. Tried all these remedies. Nothing was working. Eventually my corporate support team determined that my network proxy setting wasn't correct. After that was set, all is well. So somehow, something I downloaded changed the network settings. I did not do that myself.
